In this article we will take a closer look at how to control Information Fetching in MediaLibrary 3.5.x Shop.
When you set the Media Information fetching to Amazon host with the Default host entry in Configure Settings, then the Media details will be fetched from that Amazon host at each page reload.
This is certainly not desirable in the long run, especially the MediaLibrary 3.5.x Shop will also pull in the Amazon Media descriptions from, which you can edit after.
If you set the Fetch Information entry for Media installed on the Amazon server, it would mean that the information you edited will be overwrite (because the new information fetch at the next page reload). From hosts other than, when the Media description is not available through AWS, your entered Media description will be overwrite by the blank page again at the next page reload. So after retrieving the Media info, it is recommend to set the Fetch Information field to "On your own".
When a Media's Fetch Information: option is set to "Amazon host" Fetches all information and cover from Amazon at every page load. When this option is set to "On your own" Fetches all information and cover from your own server at each page load.
Exception is only the Media cover image. You have to specify you want to use the locally saved cover!
When you set Fetch Information to "On your own", ALL fields become freely changeable for manual entry.
The practical way to enter Medias
Now all your edited data remain as you put it, until the next time you set the Media to fetch information from Amazon. The additional advantage is that your pages will load much faster, because they don't have to retrieve the Media details from Amazon every time.
When you choose Fetch Information to "On your own", ALL fields become freely editable and therefore must be filled manually to make a difference. For example, the cover image path will continue to point to the Amazon image, until you set it to a local path!
Standard path for the covers is /components/com_MediaLibrary/covers. The cover images follow the ISBN/ASIN entered for the Media, so will become ISBN/ASIN_random_number.jpg. For example 0470376031_324676788.jpg. Which means that to set the local Media cover path you would enter: /components/com_MediaLibrary/covers/0470376031_324676788.jpg.
In versions earlier then MediaLibrary 1.5.3 Shop you had to set this path manually after choosing "On your own". From version 1.5.3 onward there is a button provided inside the Media edit page to set the path to the local cover image automatically.
To avoid issues with data overwriting when a Media entry has been edited by you, we recommend the following way:
Set the Fetch Information dropdown box to "On your own". Use the button [Set Local Cover Path] inside the Media edit page to set the path to the locally saved Media cover.