I have been working with the Advertisement Board component and I have an issue with the setup. I have everything working fine for the most part except for the custom URL.
For example, let's say a user logs into the frontend of the site and clicks to create a new ad. During the file upload process there is an option to set the author and just below the author there is an option for setting a URL.
When the user submits the new ad everything works fine except the custom URL. So, if the user wrote "car-ad.html" as the custom URL link, then when another user clicks on the link (
examplesite.com/car-ad.html) in the ad they are directed to a 404 page unknown file.
Is there a way to dynamically generate a webpage that would host the ad based upon the custom URL the user submitted? Is this a feature with the PRO version? Do I need to use sf404sef in order to have this work? Or any further help you can provide is much appreciated.
Thanks, Presto