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mod_realestatemanager_featured_free_2019_11_27 (0 viewing) 

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Borgato (User)
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mod_realestatemanager_featured_free_2019_11_27 4 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  
E' possibile cambiare le impostazioni del modulo?
Il colore
il font
come nell'immagine allegata
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Last Edit: 2020/03/15 11:48 By Borgato.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:mod_realestatemanager_featured_free_2019_11_27 4 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 102  

below post show, what you need do in moments like this:

OrdaSoft team
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Borgato (User)
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Re:mod_realestatemanager_featured_free_2019_11_27 4 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Grazie per la risposta,
Ho fatto esplora e sono riuscita a cambiare lo sfondo ma quando ricarico il sito lo sfondo non cambia.
Ho provato anche a cambiare il file realestatemanager.css ma lo sfondo non cambia
sbaglio qualcosa?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:mod_realestatemanager_featured_free_2019_11_27 4 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 102  

- Please turn off cache on your site and on your hosting.
- please clear your Browser cache
- please use Ctrl+F5

OrdaSoft team
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Borgato (User)
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Re:mod_realestatemanager_featured_free_2019_11_27 4 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Ho la cache disattivata - ho pulito piu' volte la cache - ho il chiamato il mio hosting e non c'e' cache nel server.
Oggi pero' vedo la modifica sul sito del colore fatta ieri ... ho provato a cambiarlo di nuovo e non cambia.
Cosa vuol dire che ci vuole un giorno per vedere i cambiamenti?
C'e' qualcosa che posso fare?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:mod_realestatemanager_featured_free_2019_11_27 4 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 102  

If you use chrome,
Chrome is very specific browser, for it the speed is most big priority - so it move to cache all what he can.
Fist of all, for debug, press F12, go to "network" tab and press "Disable cache" checkbox
- next disable cache in .htaccess (if you use it)
- next disable in Joomla all cache plugins
- next disable cache in "Joomla Global settings"
also check do you have some "optimization" plugins", and disable them

OrdaSoft team
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