I hope you don't mind me putting all my issues in one thread - it avoids a lot of threads. These are things that need addressing - I am happy with the product generally; whilst it is fairly simple it does exactly what I need.
1: Upgrading - I tried the free version. Liked it and upgraded. Should have done a back up as this destroyed my ads files and I had to start again.
2: Issues in editor [I use JCE] and display of text:
- when a non-breaking space is created or a blank line created the program inserts a  - like this:  <p> </p>
- when a list is created, or a centred text selected - all text is left aligned
3: I am trying to install the paid version of mod_advertisementboard
I get the error message
Module Install: Another module is already using directory: /homepages/2/d3999296/htdocs/4LowerTeme2013/modules/mod_advertisementboard_top_listing
I uninstalled the free version but I still get this error
4: Titles - if you create a new advertisement and forget to enter a title it is then impossible to edit that advertisement in admin as it needs the title to click to do the edit. A check that ensure an advertisement cannot be saved without a title would be a very good idea? I resolved this by editing the table in mySQL - I would rather not have the problem
5: Finally, could we please have a SAVE option - not just Save and Close. I like to keep saving as I work and check the way the advertisement appears front end before I finish completely.
I hope you can resolve these issue?