If at time languages add to Book Library - happened some error
Or in your site you see some undefined constants - you need reload languages to your site.
1. Download last languages for BookLibrary:
2. save to some where folder
3 remove from before folder all language file and go to Book Library admin part - to language manager
all language files in {site}/components/com_booklibrary/language/ - will recover with data from DataBase - with all constants what you edit
4 Update language files as you think was need it update, fix error or upload new language files
go to {site}/administrator/components/com_booklibrary/booklibrary.php
and after row
Code: |
require_once($mosConfig_absolute_path . "/components/com_booklibrary/functions.php");
add row:
Code: |
and go to some book library menu in admin area. - your languages now removed
5. remove below code
Code: |
6. go to BookLibrary admin part - to language manager.
All languages to databases will reload from files
OrdaSoft team