Was in the library this morning to see if there are any changes and was got this error:
SELECT bl.id, bl.isbn, bl.authors, bl.rating,blr2.rating2, bl.title, bl.fk_lendid, bl.date, bl.hits, bl.URL,bl.imageURL, bl.price, bl.priceunit, bl.language FROM #__booklibrary AS bl LEFT JOIN #__booklibrary_categories AS bc ON bl.id=bc.bookid LEFT JOIN #__booklibrary_main_categories AS c ON c.id=bc.catid LEFT JOIN ( SELECT ROUND(avg(blr1.rating)) as rating2, fk_bookid FROM #__booklibrary as b LEFT JOIN #__booklibrary_review as blr1 on blr1.fk_bookid = b.id group by blr1.fk_bookid ) blr2 ON blr2.fk_bookid = bl.id WHERE c.id = '55' AND bl.published='1' AND (bl.langshow LIKE 'Danish (Denmark)' OR bl.langshow='*'
AND bl.approved='1' AND ( c.params LIKE '%,7' or c.params = '7' or c.params LIKE '7,%' or c.params LIKE '%,7,%' or c.params LIKE '%,8' or c.params = '8' or c.params LIKE '8,%' or c.params LIKE '%,8,%' or c.params LIKE '%,-2' or c.params = '-2' or c.params LIKE '-2,%' or c.params LIKE '%,-2,%' ) AND c.published='1' ORDER BY title LIMIT 0,28;