First of all please instal to yours ForeFox browser "FireBug" extensions - with it help you will can check any element in HTML and will see what need change.
For yours you need in file vehiclemanager.html.php, find function showInsertSubCategory
and in it find code
Code: |
<img src="./images/stories/<?php echo $cat_all[$i]->image;?>" alt="picture for subcategory" height="48" width="48" />
} else {?>
<img src="./components/com_vehiclemanager/images/folder.png" alt="picture for subcategory" height="48" width="48" />
and change it to
Code: |
<img src="./images/stories/<?php echo $cat_all[$i]->image;?>" alt="picture for subcategory" height="48" width="48" />
} else {?>
<img src="./components/com_vehiclemanager/images/folder.png" alt="picture for subcategory" height="48" width="80" />
or to
Code: |
<img src="./images/stories/<?php echo $cat_all[$i]->image;?>" alt="picture for subcategory" height="48" width="80" />
} else {?>
<img src="./components/com_vehiclemanager/images/folder.png" alt="picture for subcategory" />
OrdaSoft team