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SEF URL don't work > J 3. ? (0 viewing) 

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SEF URL don't work > J 3. ?

Stef (User)
From Mambo to Joomla | Webmaster since 2007
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Gender: Male PAO Production Location: Québec Birthdate: 1965-07-01
SEF URL don't work > J 3. ? 10 Years ago
Karma: 0  
Hi OrdaSoft team,
I have just bought your BookLibrary 3.0.2 PRO and install it on a J 3.3.6
I'm on a localserver (MAMP) with PHP 5.3.29

The install worked, i created a menu to "All book" and I can get to this page. But when a clic on a book, i get 404 error.

If i de-activate SEF URL in my Joomla configuration, it work...
Is there any bug there or maybe did I miss something ? Any suggestion would be welcome ...
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Taras (User)
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Re:SEF URL don't work > J 3. ? 10 Years ago
Karma: 58  

Do you have caching enabled? Disable while developing. Have you changed the URL Rewrite option? Have you renamed the .htaccess.txt file? Try rebuilding menus option from menu manager. Also make sure your alias is exactly as it should be (no extra spaces).

Sorry if these steps are all overly obvious.

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Stef (User)
From Mambo to Joomla | Webmaster since 2007
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Gender: Male PAO Production Location: Québec Birthdate: 1965-07-01
Re:SEF URL don't work > J 3. ? 10 Years ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Taras, and thanks for answering.
Don't worry, I understand that the proper functioning of the component depends on this steps.
Now what I have is :
  • Cache is NOT enabled

  • URL rewriting is the one available by default on joomla : "Search Engine Friendly URLs" AND "Use URL rewriting"

  • .htaccess is the one provided by default on Joomla (I also tried with one generated by AdminTools from Akeeba but had the same issu)

I found a strange alias for my category in the URL over the link of books :
My category for all book (400) is "Centre de ressources", the alias of the categorie in the parameter window is "centre-de-ressource", but when i go over a book, i can read "centre20%de20%resource" in the link...
Maybe... ?
If you have no idea, i will come back later on a public server, so maybe it will be more easy for you to help me ?
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Taras (User)
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Re:SEF URL don't work > J 3. ? 10 Years ago
Karma: 58  
Hello, Stef

Yes, it will be easy for us and for you, if you put your site on public server. And if you will have problem we can connect and help you.

If you have other questions, please ask.

OrdaSoft team
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Last Edit: 2014/12/12 08:50 By Taras.
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