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Super Administrator can't view library catalogue (0 viewing) 

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Super Administrator can't view library catalogue

minimoo (Visitor)
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Super Administrator can't view library catalogue 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  

I installed BookLibrary and it worked great - thank you!

I set it so only registered users can view the catalogue. This works perfectly but then I found out if I login as Super Administrator (instead of registered user) I can't view the catalogue.

I have tried several combinations of assigning access to the categories but nothing works (apart from if I choose ONLY registered user to have access)

I've searched this forum but no one seems to have problems, so maybe it's my setting?

Would appreciate any help.

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admin (Admin)
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Re:Super Administrator can't view library catalogue 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Sorry what Book library version you use ?

Ordinary for show some books in Book library - you wil lneed set for these books category - permission for what user can it see.
So if you wish see these book only users from category "Administrator" and "register users" - you need set both these categories

OrdaSoft team
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minimoo (Visitor)
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Re:Super Administrator can't view library catalogue 13 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  

thank you for your reply. I'm using v 2.0 Pro. Here's a few scenarios I have tried:

* Set books category access: Registered.
RESULT: Registered users can see the books when logged in -> All good.

* Set books category access: Super Administrator
RESULT: Super Administrator AND Registered users can't see the books.

* Set books category access: Registered, Author, Editor, Publisher, Administrator, Super Administrator.
RESULT: No one can see the books

So the catalogue is only visible to registered users. All other users with higher permission can't see it.

Any idea?

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