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404 - Component not found

cyw1984 (Visitor)
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404 - Component not found 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I am book pro user,
When I press 2 Next End, all will go to same link...
It can go to next page successfully

After that I press Start Prev 1, It failed to go to exptected home page and the following message has been shown.

404 - Component not found

You may not be able to visit this page because of:

an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
a mistyped address
you have no access to this page
The requested resource was not found.
An error has occurred while processing your request.

Please try one of the following pages:

Home Page

If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site and report the error below..

How to fix this issue?
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cyw1984 (Visitor)
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Re:404 - Component not found 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I mean after I select to go to second page, I can not go back first page.
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cyw1984 (Visitor)
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Re:404 - Component not found 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I found that the link of "Start Prev 1", all are mysite.com/index.php?Itemid=485&limitstart=0

If I type mysite.com/index.php?Itemid=485&start=1 directly in broswer, it can go to fisrt page successfully?

What is the limitstart? why it doesn;t work for me?
Should I modify the code like this? please advise me to do so. Thanks.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:404 - Component not found 12 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 102  

I see yours errors, but how I can reproduce that ?

Look like you did some thing bad in yours SEF configure.

For sef - please use sh404sef component and ours plugin to it.
sh404sef - is very good component and you may download it free - from internet.

May be you may give admin access to yours site - with that we wil can check where error.
Yours account details you may send to ordasoft contact form,

OrdaSoft team
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franzytcha@gmail.com (Visitor)
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Re:404 - Component not found 6 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I do not have the sh404sef component .. what can I do?
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RomanD (User)
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Re:404 - Component not found 6 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 3  

You can find this component here:


Best Regards,
OrdaSoft team
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