admin wrote:
an you tell me that if there is any option for adding books, accept/deny lend requests from frontend???
In Pro - you may add book from frontend.
accept/deny lend requests from frontend - we now adding, it will appear in book library Pro version
he has to enter his email-id, name and address etc... can't it be automatic... i.e if a user should be lent on his name and email automatically... in my case fk_userid in "jos_booklibrary_lend_request" table is null when a user lends request... don't know why
It can be automaticly, but often users wish add some other email, and need take from users - some additional details, so we mot use UserId.
Thanks for repling admin
please tell me how to do it, that it automatically lends with logged in user's id?
for pro version... i have to pay bugs i guess
i wish it could be free of cost... lol
If you wish some special features you always may ask from us custom version - with all features what you need.
Custom software creation request you may do with help ordasoft support form
i need to pay for custom version too.. ??
by the way... i love your component... i am satisfied with basic too