Hello! I've bought your booklibrary PRO and I've correctly installed on my joomla website
3 days ago, I had to do a porting from a domain to another domain... I copied all directories and the database from my joomla installation to another domain with another joomla installation
the website works correctly: I can see thebooks list (module: top listing) but if I click on "catalogue" link or if I click on a book detail I get the follow error:
Errore del server
Si è verificato un errore nel sito web durante il recupero di
www.libri-e-guide.com/new/index.php?opti...ries&Itemid=487. Potrebbe non essere disponibile per manutenzione o essere configurato in modo errato.
Server Error
There was an error while retrieving the website
www.libri-e-guide.com/new/index.php?opti...ories&Itemid=487 may not be available for maintenance or be configured incorrectly
try to click:
www.libri-e-guide.com/new/ and after click on "catalogo" button to see the error
thanks in advance for your help!