quote]1. in backend in lend request when i try to respond it open Microsoft Outook, the idea is then the email was generadted by joomla no others.[/quote]
That because yours mail client configured so.
In Pro version, you may configure Book library software send to client email messages with yours "lend request" replyu status
2. Will be better if the accept o reject request, the comoponent send an automatic answer example "your request was rejected...sorry try soon", or "Please confirm when you can take the book"
In Book library software Pro version - you may configure that. Please check Book library soft feature compare
3. I have the n mber of hits by book but i think is necesary the inventory of books to lend. i think is inmportan to control the books and the lend by books, therefore you lend only the strict number of books.
Not understand what you mean. But please check Lend process, now every user see when some book lent out and can send Lend request to other time span and admin can manage book rent from admin part
4. i'm trying to install "booklibrary" for scdhools and colleges, now well the idea is to change the lend form with specific information for example, the user have to be sign and the information in the lend form have to be, ID, name, email, postal address, the responsible(for students), the garde, and the position (grade 802 position: student, teacher, inspector, principal, etc)
Look like for that need extend ours Book library soft, you may do that self (Book library open source product) or you may order that from us with help Ordasoft Support form
5. How can implement the fogin form to the component.
When you create Menu in Joomla menu manager to Book Library and set for it access only for registered users
If You need com custom =version book library with some new features - please write to Book Library support form
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