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Images size in BookLibrary

admin (Admin)
Posts: 8398
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Images size in BookLibrary 6 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 102  
I am using booklibrary 3.0 Pro.

One thing I was never happy: the quality of the pictures are really bad

I tried to store images local and set the path local, but

In BookLibary (component for create sites with books) ordasoft.com/book-library-joomla-ebook-extension

We, for show image cover, use image with size, most best fit for image size in our interface.

If you wish upload more big images you will need change and image size in "show books" interface.

If you need upload local image, you need field "Fetch Information:" set to "On your own"

If you need fetch from amazon more big images, you
need in file
{your site}/administrator/components/admin.booklibrary.class.ws.php

replace all: MediumImage

to: LargeImage

Please backup this file first

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