First off all you may do all change self or ask that from us - or some body other.
Book library Open source component. At Buttom you will find small Book library customization instruction.
1. I need to change the ISBN field to Not mandatory, how do I do that?
ISBN - that important field, because that we chaek exit it or not. You mau or remove check with code edit or fill that fields with some value like XXXXXXX
I also need to be able to Not show some fields in the list eg. Remove Image, Rating, Cover and Hits. How do I do that?
Need edit file:
{yours site}/components/com_booklibrary/booklibrary.html.php
3. I have found a bug on the Book details page: the Help on the Printer icon says "PDF"
Thank you
4. I am also changing the name of the ISBN field to "Location" - I assume I'll just find the English translation file and modify that.
All book fields and all site constants you may rename with help language file at folder:
{yours site}/components/com_booklibrary/language
OrdaSoft team