- Before add any changes - please do backup all files - which you will change - with that you will can return back work website copy!!
- These changes IN OrdaSoft
Joomla Book library you may do only with help FTP or your control panel File manager.
- Please do this only only If you know PHP/CSS/HTML - other Please order this from us as customization service.
- After you will have added all changes - and you checked: all work like you need - please backup - all files which you changed - with that you not lost this at next Book library Update.
1 You need check which layout of Joomla book library you use
all layouts connected with type menu and located at folder:
{yours site}/components/com_booklibrary/views/
In your case you may use any form these layouts
{yours site}/components/com_booklibrary/views/books/tmpl/list.php
{yours site}/components/com_booklibrary/views/showCategory/tmpl/list.php
2 add to top of that file
after code:
Code: |
if (!defined('_VALID_MOS') && !defined('_JEXEC')) die('Direct Access to ' . basename(__FILE__) . ' is not allowed.');
Code: |
$params->def('show_rating', 0);
OrdaSoft team