All look like bad wrote com_glossary/cmsapi.interface.php.
Don't know why that error don't appears for you before, may be you add some new modules to frontend - what use "com_glossary"
And may be best will write to com_glossary support.
You can fix that if add to /home/educaci3/public_html/components/com_glossary/cmsapi.interface.php on line 283
around definition function geteditorcontents, check for predefined that function before, some like :
Code: |
if ( !function_exists('getEditorContents')) {
function getEditorContents($editorArea, $hiddenField)
jimport( 'joomla.html.editor' );
$editor =& JFactory::getEditor();
echo $editor->save( $hiddenField );
OrdaSoft Team