I am trying to import csv file into book library.
I have to record in the csv file:
"2|0596516681|The End of Money and the Future of Civilization|Thomas H. Greco Jr.|English|White River Junction VT: Chelsea Green|On the next stage of monetary evolution that can liberate us from centralized money power, with design proposals for exchange-system architectures for local, regional, national, and global financial systems. 269p. $19.95pb. "
"10|0955160332|Managed by the Markets: How Finance Re-Shaped America|Gerald F. Davis|English|NY: Oxford UP|Gerald F. Davis (Prof of Management, U of Michigan). Describes how finance has replaced manufacturing at the center of the US economy over the past three decades, how the new finance-centered system works, and what challenges lie ahead. The turbulence of recent years starkly underscores the dangers of over-dependence on financial markets. 320p. $29.95."
From the above two records, you can see one bookID is 2, and the other is 10(first attribute).
But after import, the result is shown as follows:
We can see from the above results, all my bookIDs are changed into 0, and the second book cannot be imported due to the same bookID.
Could somebody tell why this happens? Thank you very much.