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Create Advertisement board site

admin (Admin)
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Create Advertisement board site 3 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Little questions about your Advertisement board :

- no extra fields ?
- no nested categories?
- no multi categories?...

Listings seem very "basic" beside your realestate one...

Please check Advertisement board software - this is very simply software for create Ads site, we special created it so simply as possible.

If you need complicate ads site:
- with any layouts,
- with any fields,
- with nested categories
- with multi categories
- with possibility show users and they content
- with manage of access to your content
- with possibility show payments ads to some special places...
and many many other ....

we have Joomla CCK - Website Builder. There you may build any site type with any content types and and with help our Website Builder you may Create Advertisement board so complicate as you need

OrdaSoft team
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lilart (User)
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Re:Create Advertisement board site 3 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi again,

Thanks for quick answer and information!
Using Joomla CCK - Website Builder must be more complex than an extension working out of the box, what I search for now.
As your Real estate manager and Vehicle manager (very well as its seems, and for which I think to subscribe).
Best regards from France, hoping that all is as well as possible for you in this hard period!
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Create Advertisement board site 3 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Hi Henri

We not simply call our product as Website Builder - you may there create any website.

and from one side you say
- "Advertisment board" - very simply
from other you say:
- OS CCK - very complicate.

OS CCK is very simply, for create good website you no need Know PHP/CSS/HTML.
all what you need:
- aim and understanding of site which you need
- you need know which forms and fields you need

and if you not wish create all from zero, you may use some our website builder templates

as examples:
- OS CCK Classic - Demo
There you will need remove , all Entity which you no need, and remove/rename fields
Shoe Store Free eCommerce Joomla template
There you will need only remove/rename fields - and may be buy Pro version

And if you have some questions - you are welcome.

OrdaSoft team
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lilart (User)
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Re:Create Advertisement board site 3 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hello Andrew,

Thanks again!
Think I'll try OS CCK Pro which seems very well, as soon as possible, but now I must achieve quickly a portal-test with numerous apps as directory, agenda, ads, learning zone, booking, marketplace, etc. That's heavy, but if I win the challenge, there will be many instances and clients!
As said before, think that your Real estate manager and Vehicle manager will greatly help me for their parts in a first time.
But I'll receive your observations and mor with great pleasure, sure!
Best regards,
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Create Advertisement board site 3 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 102  
You no need use Pro version of Our [urlhttps://ordasoft.com/cck-content-construction-kit-for-joomla.html]website builder[/url] we have very excellent Free version

You may quick start to create your site with Shoe Store Free eCommerce Joomla template,

There you will need only remove/rename fields - and upload your images

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lilart (User)
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Re:Create Advertisement board site 3 Years, 12 Months ago
Karma: 0  
OK Andrew, thanks again!

Question : is it possible to built a serious market-place with your CCK and apps?
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