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prices in rent request folder (0 viewing) 
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Prices in rent request folder

hansel (User)
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prices in rent request folder 2 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
When I open the the rent quest folder adter someone has send a reservation request, I get prices of every item they want to rent. Unfortunately In select field prices I cannot see what they have ordered. I only see the price for that order.

For instance:
Someone can reserve a basket
Select fields are:
- No: 0 Euro
- Yes: 0 Euro (because it is gratis)
In the rental recuest folder it is only shown: Basket: 0 Euro.
It should be: Basket: yes 0,00 EUR

Someone want a delivery
Select fields are:
- London: 10 Euro
- Paris: 20 Euro
- Dubai 100 Euro
In the rental request folder it is only shown: Delivery Fee: 20 Euro.
It should be: Delivery Fee: Paris 20 Euro

How can we know to where we have to deliver the item?
Also the CCK program multiplies the delivery fee with the amount of rental days. I guess this is not what we want.
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VlaDOS (Admin)
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Re:prices in rent request folder 2 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 3  
Hello. The price display is done. It's really more correct. As for the CCK multiplying the shipping by the number of days, this functionality will be introduced in future versions.
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hansel (User)
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Re:prices in rent request folder 2 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Thank you so much for your support.

But it is not working in the mail field, if I want to send an email for a reservation.

I also noticed that a value of a pricefield select list doesn't get shown in the backend folder rent request and email message, if I click "not calculated" in the settings of that pricefield select list. It shows only the raw variable {|pricefield_select_list_85|} instead of the value in the email. And that field is missing in the rent request folder in the backed end .

And the {|categoryfield_60|} doesn't work yet in the mail field. A raw entry {|categoryfield_60|} is also shown instead of the category value.
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Last Edit: 2022/06/30 00:16 By hansel.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:prices in rent request folder 2 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Category field - you now may use it in mail template in our website builder

But "not calculated" fields - create special for some fields like "old price", so me show this only to client. Why this need show some where except "show instance" ?

Ordasoft team
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hansel (User)
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Re:prices in rent request folder 2 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
But "not calculated" fields - create special for some fields like "old price", so me show this only to client. Why this need show some where except "show instance" ?

I will use it for the shipping information. As the shipping price will be multiplied with the number of days at the moment.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:prices in rent request folder 2 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  
We need think how resolve this.
But any way this not today.

OrdaSoft team
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