Price calulation and currency selector 2 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
I need to get an explanation about the price calculations concerning the currency converter modul.
My main currency in the settings of CCK is USD=1.
With the currency converter I can show the prices in Euro (1 Euro=1,5 USD), GBP etc.
Now someone does a reservation of a car for one day with the currency EURO which he has selected in the modul. 1 day rental is 150 USD or 100 Euro
In the order table in the field order_price the value of 150 gets saved
The order currency is USD
But the total price which I can see in the order request is 100 EURO
Als in the email which is send to me the total price is in EURO
I need to know what is correct and what is your system
What should be saved in the order table when the customer clicks EURO in the module
The value in EURO and Order currency Euro or the basic currency USD with its value?
For me it doesnt make sence to have 2 different currencies in one booking.
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Re:Price calulation and currency selector 2 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
Hello. All of our price displays go through the currency converter function. This is done for the convenience of the user, so he does not have to count it himself.
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Re:Price calulation and currency selector 2 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
OK. Make it easy. Le's say:
We want to rent chairs. we create an "add instance" Layout for "chairs". Each chair we would like to rent for 1 Euro per day.
In the CCK settings we define:
Currency: EUR=1; USD|US$=1.1
The customer wants to rent 100 chairs for 1 night. The costs are 100 Euro.
Our customer is american citizens and he want to see the prices in USD and want to pay in USD. He clicks USD in the currency converting too.
Now he can see the price for 1 chair is 1.1 USD in total for 100 chairs 110 USD.
He makes a reservation in USD.
Now the big question? Which currency I can see in the cck backend in the order or rent request menu? Which currency value is saved in the backend database?
I am asking, becasue when an email of the rent request is send to me by the frontend user, I see all prices in USD in that email.
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Re:Price calulation and currency selector 2 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 3
Hi. Okay. All prices are stored in the database in the main currency of the site. This is done, for easier accounting. The client can pay in any currency, payment systems allow quite flexible use of it. If the client has paid in another currency, it will be displayed in the orders in the column Paid, there will be specified in what currency and how much it has paid.
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