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Joomla CCK - display the value of a field from ano (0 viewing) 
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Joomla CCK - display the value of a field from ano

hcohl (User)
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Joomla CCK - display the value of a field from ano 1 Year, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0  
How can I display the value of a field from another layout -
e.g. in a layout (show and add) I have a field "business case" with the value "OP-17-5“.
I would like to display this value in a different layout.
Where can I find a tutorial.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Joomla CCK - display the value of a field from ano 1 Year, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

Please check in OrdaSoft Joomla CCK you in Layouts show data type, which you may see from Layout Name.

-Layout show category - show 1 category - and data from category: "Category Image", "Category title", .. - or there you show another layout - layout "Show one instance" and with help - this layout - all instances from this category.
- Layout Show Instance - show data from some instance
- Layout show All Instance - show layout "Show Instance" and with it - all instances from this Entity.

In every Entity You may show all fields from this Entity, with help add that field in layout when edit this layout. You only must remember: if you need show this field to user - you need add it and to "Add layout" and to "show layout"

For show some data - these data must be connected:
- category - instance, so in category you may show all instance from this category, so in instance "Add layout" you need have "Category field". And exactly from Layout Show Instance - you may switch to "Show Category layout". For that in "Layout show instance" in setting for category - you need set "Layout for redirect" and there select so layout.
- all categories - one category,
- all instance - one instance
- exactly for any fields In "Show Instance layout" you may add "Layout for redirect" as example for show "instance all details" from "show Instance - short details"
BUT IMPORTNT: for connect some layout - you must have some common data.

But exactly as connect Category - Instance - you may self create so connection, In layouts set , You see "Parent Child layout". so if you have as example Entity "House" and Entity "Agent" , and you in "Add house" may add "Add Attachment Layout" - add "layout for select agent", as result - "In show instance" for house - you will can show it agent, and in agent - with help "Attach layout" - you may show all his house.

Sorry, I not see your Business model so I can't hint how exactly you may build this

OrdaSoft team
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hcohl (User)
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Re:Joomla CCK - display the value of a field from ano 1 Year, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I'm not able to do it. Please help me.
I have a show layout with a field "Business Case".
Attached to this layout, I have an add layout with the same filed"Business Case".
The value of the field "Business Case" of the show layout should be displayed automatically ind the field "Business Case" of the add layout.
How can I do this?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Joomla CCK - display the value of a field from ano 1 Year, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

If you mean: add to "Add layout" to some field as input value , the value from some field from "show layout",
In OrdaSoft Joomla CCK you may do this with help jQuery.

as example for page:

In layout: IM-Anfragen DE show-full (show instance layout, where to you added "Add layout"
we create "Custom code", with type "script" and added to it


 jQuerOs(".text_textfield_27").val( jQuerOs(".text_textfield_14").text() ) 

- jQuerOs - our alias for jquery, for without conflict at every where
- text_textfield_14 - CSS class the field from where we need get value
- text_textfield_27 - CSS class the field to which need set some value

OrdaSoft team
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hcohl (User)
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Re:Joomla CCK - display the value of a field from ano 1 Year, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
thanks that was very helpful.
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hcohl (User)
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Re:Joomla CCK - display the value of a field from ano 1 Year, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I have a layout: IM-Anfragen DE erstellen . Values are entered there: "Field ID 33" - "Erstellt von:". The value of this field is to be output automatically in another instance in the "Bewerbungen DE add" layout in the "Field ID 35" - "Name" field.
I added a custom code SCRIPT to "Bewerbungen DE add" with :jQuerOs(document).ready(
jQuerOs(".text_textfield_35".val( jQuerOs(".text_textfield_33".text() )
But it doesn't work.
Can you please help me:
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Last Edit: 2023/08/02 08:51 By admin.
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