First way and most right way in
Joomla CCK Pro version - use "CCK instance manager", and set field which you need show in"CCK fields manager" - as we described above.
If you check edit instance in your Frontend Instance manager, you see link where will exist code:
where 379 - is ID of instance which user need edit
So In OUr Joomla CCK - you may create, exactly so layout for "Instance edit" as you need, You create it exactly as other layouts
Only In "Show instance" layout - you need add "custom PHP field" where to add "Edit link" created as in your Instance manager
so code will look like
Code: |
echo "<a href={your_link_for_instance_edit}&eiid[0]=".$entityInstance->eiid.">Edit</a>";
{your_link_for_instance_edit} - your_link_for_instance_edit from Instance manager from frontend without
$entityInstance->eiid - ID to instance which will need edit, in this example == 379. We will insert there ID of instance which you see for edit
OrdaSoft team