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Image Title Attributes (0 viewing) 

Joomla Gallery Support

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Image Title Attributes

s9ny (User)
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Image Title Attributes 5 Years ago
Karma: 0  
Is it possible to change the attributes of the image title and sub-title when they appear as an overlay on or below the image? Size, color, etc.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Image Title Attributes 5 Years ago
Karma: 102  

Is it possible to change the attributes of the image title and sub-title when they appear as an overlay on or below the image? Size, color, etc

Only with help CSS.
below post show, what you need do in moments like this:

If this important for you
We may propose to you order this as "customization service".
Please write to OrdaSoft contact form (ordasoft.com/contact-us-form) with full details description, how all must look and work, and we will give to you quota.

OrdaSoft team
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s9ny (User)
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Re:Image Title Attributes 5 Years ago
Karma: 0  

I'm sorry, I might not be explaining myself properly.

When I look at your gallery sample hover, in the hover effect "Arina", the Image title is a particular size and font, as is the short description.

When I set my gallery hover effect to the same, my Image title and short description are very different in size and font. This holds true in comparing all of the demo hover effects on your site to those on my site. The sergio effect, for example, shows a title and description centered toward the top and on my site the image title and description are much smaller and left-justified.

When I purchased your gallery it was because I really liked the presentation of the titles and descriptions. Image titles and descriptions were the major factors in determining which gallery package I chose. However, I cannot figure out how to make my site appear similar to your sample site. I don't believe I should have to purchase "Custom Services", as you suggest, in order for my site to appear similar to the sample site.

When I switch templates, these attributes change, so I presume it must be defined in the template. The question is, where?

Upon inspecting the file as you suggested it appears the title below the image when set to display, utilize the H3 tag. However, I can't determine where the attributes are for the Fancy box are derived.

Where would I find these definitions to make any changes/overrides? Since I create my own templates, and obviously it changes when I enable my template vs. the Joomla template, Prostar, is this something that can be defined in my template? If so what would be the attribute name? Fancybox doesn't appear to use tags (H1, etc.) that I can determine.

And, the big question, would any alterations I make to any files that you may suggest altering be overwritten with any updates to the software?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Image Title Attributes 5 Years ago
Karma: 102  

Any way template styles changed styles of Gallery.

Please add below rows to your template CSS file.

/*because link font size go from template css */
[class^=os-gallery-tabs-main] .os-cat-tab-images .img-block a {
font-size: 100%;

/* text-align: left; go from template css */
[class^=os-gallery-all-in-one-main] .img-block.sergio-effect .os-gallery-caption h3.os-gallery-img-title, [class^=os-gallery-album-tabs-main] .img-block.sergio-effect .os-gallery-caption h3.os-gallery-img-title, [class^=os-gallery-tabs-main] .img-block.sergio-effect .os-gallery-caption h3.os-gallery-img-title {
text-align: center;

Please write if something also will need change

Ordasoft team
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s9ny (User)
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Re:Image Title Attributes 5 Years ago
Karma: 0  
Thank you so much. That's exactly what I was looking for! That also gave me a hint of where to look in the OSGallery CSS file to create any other over-rides for a particular effect for my template file.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Image Title Attributes 5 Years ago
Karma: 102  
You are welcome.

We will be happy if you can help us too and you put excellent review and 100 hits
on Joomla.org for our Responsive gallery

If you would like any further information or need some customization service,
please do not hesitate to contact us too.

Best Regards,
OrdaSoft team
P.S. Please do site backup 2 times per month, if the more often - better!
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