Hi, I need an extension to make a photo and video gallery.
1. Can I add webp images?
2. can I embed video from youtube or need from my server?
OS Image gallery for Joomla you may add as embeded video from YouTube and you may add video from your server as HTML code
3. Can I make category construction like
root categories to have
Under category 2018 to have two more categories
and under January to have galleries
Vacation Croatia
Vacation Island
4. Is it possible in front to have displayed the first 3 categories
and when click to 2018
to have displayed
and when click January to have albums
Vacation Croatia
Vacation Island
and when click an album
to display images in that album?
Thank you
Please check our
OS image gallery demo, please check menu "Gallery layout". There all layouts which we have. But for every image you may add link and every our gallery you may with help short code add to any Joomla articles or module.
Sop structure as you describe most simply create so:
1. You create "top level gallery":
1018 - add for it text and some image, and link to "second level gallery 1018"
2019 - add for it text and some image, and link to "second level gallery 2019"
2020 - add for it text and some image, and link to "second level gallery 2020"
2. You created "second level gallery 1018"
January - add for it text and some image, and link to "3 level gallery January"
February - add for it text and some image, and link to "3 level gallery February"
and exactly to next levels...
This you may do in
OS Image Gallery Free version for Joomla
and for 2 and 3 levels you may use "album layout"(pro version) or "all in one layout"(pro version) or "multy categories layout"
OrdaSoft team