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How large in pixels are images displayed (0 viewing) 

Joomla Gallery Support

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How large in pixels are images displayed

admin (Admin)
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How large in pixels are images displayed 3 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 102  

How large in pixels are images displayed in OS gallery for Joomla when people click on them to expand them? Thanks

Please check in Ordasoft Joomla gallery users sew 2 images
- 1 image, the thumbnail of original image, when you show all images from gallery to users.
Thumbnail image size - you set in "Gallery settings"
- 2 full image, When client click on "thumbnail image", we open FancyBox and show original image. First fancy box show original image in size for full fit current browser window size, But if image has more big size, the client my click on image - and he will see yet more big image.

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