Thank you for your quick response, Actually I am not a code
person, just a Joomla user.
> Why need add some optimization to admin area ?
The idea is not to optimize the admin area at all. The idea is to speed up
the loading of the images that are in the galleries.
> Do you wrote about this to "Route 66 plugin" developers ?
Yes, I did. I also sent the message to you.
Thank you
again, please check "Route 66 plugin developers" - not know how our gallery work, you not know how our joomla gallery works.
"How the URL to the picture from the gallery looks like", depending on:
- Possibility save to browser history which images you checked
- Possibility send "link to any image in gallery" to your friend
- possibility social sharing every gallery image in social networks
Please check: "images speed loading" not depend from any optimization plugins.
Images load speed depend:
- from Internet Speed,
- Browser speed. How modern your PC, what OS you use.
- images size. Image width and image height; image size in kilobyte - you need compress images before add to website; images format - our
joomla gallery support "webp" image format, it the most least size format of the images .
- how many images you use to start gallery loading. In Pro version of Ordasoft picture joomla gallery we have "Lazy load" features, so you may at start download 5 or 6 images and other images will load at time when user will checking first gallery images
OrdaSoft team