Mail per richiesta di vendita 4 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
In impostazioni "Opzioni richiesta di vendita" vorrei aggiungere nella mail di notifica anche i seguenti campi:
Email: {user_email}
Phone: {user_phone}
Come faccio ad inserirli
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Re:Mail per richiesta di vendita 4 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 102
For "buy request" email text, you may change - with help "RealEstateManager::language manager" need change constant: _REALESTATE_MANAGER_EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_BUYING_REQUEST
we support next place holders:
{username} - who filled form, if unregistered - we show: "ANONYMOUS"
{hid_value} - property id
{customer_name} - user_name from request form
{customer_email} - user_email from request form
{customer_comment} - user comment from request form
{customer_phone} - user phone from request form
{house_title} - title of house for which request will created
OrdaSoft team
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