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Google map - set markers by address (0 viewing) 

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Google map - set markers by address

kchernik (User)
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Google map - set markers by address 12 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 0  

Is there any particular reason why you are not using google geocoder to set lat and lng from location address? I find it kind of incontinent searching and marking a place on the map to set lat and lng.

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admin (Admin)
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Re:Google map - set markers by address 12 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 102  

We not use Geocoding in real estate manager for take property location, because Geocode location - work correctly only for 80% address in USA and Europe, in 20% it give error. At main it work for big cities.
And for all other world error Percent more big.
But manual every body will can set exactly location for property

But in future I think we will add possibility set address manual or with help Geocoding

OrdaSoft team
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Tomczak (Visitor)
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Re:Google map - set markers by address 11 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Yes, that's great idea, because adding offers is very annoying, when you have to search every adress on the map.
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sovjet (User)
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Re:Google map - set markers by address 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0  
+1 from me.
This option is needed badly.
In our country / city google maps search by adress is correct enough, it would improve user expirience 10fold if it would just work off the adress.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Google map - set markers by address 11 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 102  

I am sorry, we added that features to ours last version, but while now we can't how it to users, because was added many options and need much effort for add good design

OrdaSoft team
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sovjet (User)
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Re:Google map - set markers by address 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Наилудшим решением была бы дополнительная кнопка рядом с полем адреса.
Назвать эту кнопку можно было б "найти на карте"
Она с помощью сервиса геокодинга из гугл мэпс апи вычисляла бы координаты и центрировала карту на них.
После этого можно было б так же как и сейчас подкорректировать позицию маркера и сохранить объект недвижимости с выбранными координатами.

Это упростило бы работу как людям для которых поиск гугл мэпс по адресу достаточно точен, так и остальным, т.к. карта хотя бы примерно центрировалась в нужном месте.
вот хороший пример:
Он конечно в старой апи, но хорошо демострирует необходимую функциональность.
В новой апи всё примерно так же

And now in english

Best solution would be a button beside the adress field called "find on map" or something,
which calls the geocode service of the google api to find the lat/long of this adress and then centers the map on this.
After that you can still drag the marker around to make corrections if its wrong.
Here is a good example:

That would help people for whom the address search works well, and also people in which country the address search is crap because it would at least roughly center the map on the desired area.
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