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Error 1054 when sending a message for a house (0 viewing) 

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Error 1054 when sending a message for a house

aruberto (User)
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Error 1054 when sending a message for a house 9 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
when sending a message for a house I'm looking at, I receive this message:

Unknown column 'fk_houses_htitle' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO mrn_rem_orders(fk_user_id, status, name,email, fk_house_id,fk_houses_htitle, order_calculated_price, order_date) VALUES ('', 'Pending', 'massimo ligrani', 'm.ligrani@deltamanagement.it', '27', 'Quadrilocale duplex, Zona EUR colle Parnaso', '540000 EUR',now())

Formerly I filled up the message form with my complete name (Massimo Ligrani), email (m.ligrani@deltamanagement.it) and a test message text.
What's goin' wrong or what should I check?
Thank you in advance

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AnnaZh (Admin)
Posts: 226
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Gender: Female Location: Kharkov, Ukraine
Re:Error 1054 when sending a message for a house 9 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 7  
Hi Max,

Could you send us Admin and FTP access using our Contact form ordasoft.com/About-us/OrdaSoft.html,
and we will check your problem

Admin access:

FTP access:
FTP host
FTP username
FTP password

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aruberto (User)
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Re:Error 1054 when sending a message for a house 9 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Anna,
I'll send you the site credentials as you asked me.
Moreover we have also a further error when viewing the detail of a house from a smartphone:

jQuerREL(document).ready(function () { jQuerREL('input,textarea'.focus(function(){ jQuerREL(this).data('placeholder',jQuerREL(this).attr('placeholder') jQuerREL(this).attr('placeholder','' jQuerREL(this).css('color','#a3a3a3'; jQuerREL(this).css('border-color','#ddd'; }); jQuerREL('input,textarea'.blur(function(){ jQuerREL(this).attr('placeholder',jQuerREL(this).data('placeholder'); }); }); function allreordering(){ if(document.orderForm.order_direction.value=='asc' document.orderForm.order_direction.value='desc'; else document.orderForm.order_direction.value='asc'; document.orderForm.submit(); }

Could you please check this as well?
thank you

the website is: www.maiuranore.it
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Taras (User)
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Re:Error 1054 when sending a message for a house 9 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 58  

Our team has fixed that issue.

Now all fine, please check.

OrdaSoft team
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aruberto (User)
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Re:Error 1054 when sending a message for a house 9 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0  
sorry but I still see the error. I attach the screenshot.
I tried to send the message both as guest and as registered user.

error message is:

1054 Unknown column 'fk_houses_htitle' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO mrn_rem_orders(fk_user_id, status, name,email, fk_house_id,fk_houses_htitle, order_calculated_price, order_date) VALUES ('190', 'Pending', 'Super User', 'commerciale@maiuranore.it', '27', 'Quadrilocale duplex, Zona EUR colle Parnaso', '540000 EUR',now())

moreover, it lands on a page with no formatting.
Could you please check?
Thank you again

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AnnaZh (Admin)
Posts: 226
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Gender: Female Location: Kharkov, Ukraine
Re:Error 1054 when sending a message for a house 9 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 7  
Hi Max,

We are working on the issue with sending messages. We will notify you when we fix that.

Have a nice day!

Best Regards,
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