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bezzz (Visitor)
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перевод 9 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Подскажите пожалуйста, корректирую русский перевод на странице компонента в менеджере языков, но не могу понять, как мне его сохранить, в файле ../components/com_realestatemanager/lang/russian.php ничего не меняется, куда сохраняются изменения?
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Taras (User)
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Re:перевод 9 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 58  

You can edit translation with help RealEstateManager :: Language Manager. You can Rename any text field and backend fileds with help RealEstateManager :: Language Manager.

Put any of Text Fields (for example - Amenities Manager) in Value constant choose Language and rename as you need.

You do not need use files for edit translation.

Sincerely Yours
OrdaSoft team
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bezzz (Visitor)
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Re:перевод 9 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0  

I edit the translation, as you said, within a component, using Language Manager, but can't keep it in the language file ../components/com_realestatemanager/lang/russian.php when edited and saved, changes to the file no occurs.

How can I save the translation, done through the Language Manager?

Thank you.
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Taras (User)
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Re:перевод 9 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 58  

To add your language to Real Estate Manager installation you should

1. Place your language file inside the directory
/components/com_real estate manager/lang/ using an FTP client or similar (if you are on a shared hosting account, please use internal Joomla FTP or QuiXplorer or similar to preserve the file ownership).

2. In the file Real Estate Manager.xml in the directory
/components/com_Real estate Manager/ add the language entry for your language. This goes right after the entry lang/english.php.

3. Go to administration Real Estate Manager Language tab. Now you will see your language and may update any constant with it help.

So if you use for example Dutch and Spanish on your site you would add those, like this:
< filename>lang/english.php
< filename>lang/dutch.php
< filename>lang/spanish.php

3. To ensure the languages you use are visible inside the dropdown boxes in the administration part for selecting, you will need to add the language entries to every language file in use in your installation. In each language file, find the part marked //Languages and add your language there. Example:


DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_NOT_USED', 'Not specified');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_ENG', 'English');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_DUT', 'Dutch');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_GER', 'German');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_FRE', 'French');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_ITA', 'Italian');
DEFINE('_RealEstateManager_LANGUAGE_SPA', 'Spanish');

Save each file. Remember to translate the entries according to the language file you are editing. That's it, you're done!
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