Please, make export according our documentation
More details about EXPORT in Real Estate Manager
CSV export will contain all fields for further editing in a text editor or spreadsheet application
Please note that for subsequent import, only the following CSV format is supported: PropertyID | Description | Link | Listing type | Price | Price type | Title | Address | ... |
WARNING: if you want to import later including House Reviews, use Full data export instead!
Export data in XML
WARNING: if you want to import later including House Reviews, use Full data export instead!
WARNING: associations between houses will not be saved!
WARNING: you have to upload images singly, no photos will be saved!
This export will export all RealEstateManager data and save all fields and entries
You can later use these sql files to restore your RealEstateManager data in full
This subsequent import will overwrite ALL existing entries, so be careful when using it!
To restore all house photos, please restore all files from folder: --components/com_realestatemanager/photos--!
To restore all houses eDocuments, please restore all files from the folder you have set in [Settings Backend] -- [Location of edocuments]