For everybody who have the same problems its more easy - if you use Joomla!
For a multilanguage I use a small plugin its called Easy Language (
This is better than a lot of every other multi languages tools.
And for the featurelist you use in the database for example
INSERT INTO `jos_rem_feature` (`id`, `name`, `categories`, `published`, `image_link`) VALUES
(331, '{lang en}Entertainment Staff{/lang}{lang es}Personal de animación{/lang}{lang de}Entertainment-Team{/lang}{lang fr}équipe d`animation{/lang}{lang it}staff di animazione{/lang}', '{lang en}Activities{/lang}{lang es}Actividades{/lang}{lang de}Aktivitäten{/lang}{lang fr}Activités{/lang}{lang it}Attività{/lang}', 1, ''
Dont forget in the plugin to activate Enable in the back-end
Then you have every language perfect, of course also the backend.
Hope it help - then like me!