In the Backend under Houses > New i can select a category with scroll or tabsilde but i have about 100 categorys
and the field is really small ... see only 3 categorys
Can i change the size ?
Last Edit: 2011/11/26 01:22 By .
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all frontend changes in real estate manager for data prepare you need do in file:
{yours site}/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.php
all frontend changes in real estate manager for data show in file:
{yours site}/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.html.php
all backend changes in real estate manager for data prepare you need do in file:
{yours site}/administrator/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.php
all backend changes in real estate manager for data show in file:
{yours site}/administrator/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.html.php
for check what function run - please use TASK - parameters.
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OrtdaSoft team
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