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Problems wih php 7.2 (0 viewing) 

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Problems wih php 7.2

carlose (User)
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Gender: Male Birthdate: 1980-12-08
Problems wih php 7.2 6 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 0  
In my hosting I have php 7.0, and I receive this message "Su versión de PHP, 7.0.32, en estos momentos sólo está recibiendo correcciones de seguridad desde el proyecto PHP. Esto significa que su versión de PHP pronto ya no será compatible. Recomendamos planificar la actualización a una nueva versión de PHP antes de que llegue al final de la compatibilidad en 03-12-2018. Joomla será más rápido y más seguro si actualiza a una nueva versión de PHP. Póngase en contacto con su proveedor para obtener las instrucciones de actualización."

For this reason I change the php version for 7.2, but mi web page cannot display, and only see an 500 error, the question is RealStateManager dont work with php 7.2 version?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Problems wih php 7.2 6 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 102  

For every old clients we give 50% discount for every new version of the Realestate manager.

Please, update to last version.

Before making any upgrades, make backup yours site( files and DataBase). With that you will not lost something important
Please do full XML export.
At first please check upgrade/update process at the test website!
Please install new component and modules without remove old.

If you have custom changes of component or site, you can lose your changes.

Please, in that case do not make update.

If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us too.

Best Wishes,
OrdaSoft team
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carlose (User)
Junior Boarder
Posts: 28
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Gender: Male Birthdate: 1980-12-08
Re:Problems wih php 7.2 4 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0  

In order to update my RealState Manager I have OS_TouchSlider Free, with the version Real Estate Package, is enought for me?

Is OS_TouchSlider Free works with the new versión of Real Estate Package?

The package Real Estate Package, which version of php uses?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Problems wih php 7.2 4 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

is enough for me?

For me difficult say what enough for you. Very many our clients use free version of Real estate manager and happy.

For Pro - we advice Pro Package - where included component and all Real estate modules, and as result price less compare if buy every item alone.

Touch slider - we have special slider for RealEstate - where you show ONLY properties for Realestate Component
and Touch slider where we show any images, you may add any effects and add any end links

And Free and Pro version both will work, Pro have more features and more conveniences

O)rdaSoft team
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