Please check,
When you try search some thing by Radius You need do search only By Radius.
From Your screen You set also search in "Title", "Description" ...
Because you phrase - not exist in all these fields - we found: nothing
Every text constant in Real estate manager you may change with help RealEstate::Language manager
Please check below link:
If you need change code for calculate in milage
In file
{your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.php
find code:
$minLon = $lon-$rad/(cos(deg2rad($lat))*111.0) ;// 1 degree = 111 km
$maxLon = $lon+$rad/(cos(deg2rad($lat))*111.0);
$minLat = $lat-($rad/111.0);
$maxLat = $lat+($rad/111.0);
and replace it to
$minLon = $lon-$rad/(cos(deg2rad($lat))*69.0) ;// 1 degree = 69 ml
$maxLon = $lon+$rad/(cos(deg2rad($lat))*69.0);
$minLat = $lat-($rad/69.0);
$maxLat = $lat+($rad/69.0);
Ordasoft team