Hello. I intend to make some money by selling your component. I have an active base of 740 realtors. The database is ready for sending offers by email and sms.
Orientation - land and houses.
One nuance is severely lacking - displaying information on the size of the land plot in the object (house) card.
I tried to do it like this:
Code: |
if (trim($row->house_size)) {
echo "<div class='featured_houses_size featured_list_inline '>"
."<i class='fa fa-expand'></i> ".trim($row->house_size).
if (trim($row->lot_size)) {
echo "<div class='featured_houses_size featured_list_inline '>"
."<i class='fa fa-expand'></i> ".trim($row->lot_size).
but there is no result. There is not enough knowledge and time for more.
Do not tell me the solution?