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Translate RealEstateManager (0 viewing) 

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Translate RealEstateManager

dvmedia (User)
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Translate RealEstateManager 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1  
Hello, thank you for being able to use the free version.

Please help me with changing the language of the RealEstateManager component.

Namely, I am creating a website for a friend who does not know English and I am obliged to adjust his administration to the Serbian language.
Fortunately, you have the Serbian language.

I downloaded the language and put it in the "lang" folder, I clicked on Load Languages in Langauage Manager and it loaded both Serbian and English, but for me the administration of the RealEstateManager component in the Joomla administration is still in English.
I want to translate that when entering real estate, it doesn't say e.g. "garage" rather than "garaža" in Serbian. Also, on the site (frontend) I want visitors to read also "Garaža" (Serbian language), not "Garage".

I hope I was clear enough.

Please tell me how I can set the Serbian language as the default.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Translate RealEstateManager 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  
Hello Dejan

every thing in OrdaSoft real estate management software you may translate with help Real Estate Manager :: Language manager (except menu items)

Please check how change text constants in Real estate Manager

OrdaSoft team
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dvmedia (User)
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Re:Translate RealEstateManager 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1  
It is clear to me that I cannot translate menu items.

What is the purpose of the Serbian language I inserted if I have to translate each item manually?

Second question:
How can I edit the color of the RealEstateManager Search module?

Third question:
How can I change currency, I don't need USD or EUR.
Do I need KM currency (convertible mark)?

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admin (Admin)
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Re:Translate RealEstateManager 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

What is the purpose of the Serbian language I inserted if I have to translate each item manually?
I am sorry, we not know Serbian language, translation to it we receive from our clients, we will happy if you will send to us full translate.

How can I edit the color of the Real Estate Manager Search module?
We need more details.
below post show, what you need do in moments like this:

How can I change currency, I don't need USD or EUR.
Do I need KM currency (convertible mark)?

You need go to admin area Real Estate Manager :
Settings - Administrator Settings - Price Options -
Currency and add what you need. If you want to use other currencies, enter the values as:
enter the values as: USD = 1; EUR = 3.15;
Where 1:3.15 exchange rate between USD:EUR
Available for paypal currencies:

For add some other currency like: "ksh" you need
RealEstateManager :: Settings - Payment settings -
Show buy for booking: and Show buy for sale: put No.

OrdaSoft team
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dvmedia (User)
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Re:Translate RealEstateManager 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 1  
I asked in general what is the purpose of all languages for translation if I have to translate each item manually so that it is visible in the language in which it should be? I'm not just asking about Serbian, but generally about all translations.

For add some other currency like: "ksh" you need
RealEstateManager :: Settings - Payment settings -
Show buy for booking: and Show buy for sale: put No.

Nowhere do I see that there are "Payment Settings"?
Where exactly is it located?
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Last Edit: 2021/04/04 18:42 By dvmedia.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Translate RealEstateManager 3 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102  

RealEstateManager :: Settings - Payment settings
This settings exist only in Pro version of OrdaSoft property management joomla listing software

If you have free version, you haven't these settings, so you may add any currency here:
RealEstateManager :: Settings -> Administrator Settings -> Price Options ->Currency

OrdaSoft team
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