> Hello !
> I would like to ask for help with the Joomla update.
> Currently, the site runs Joomla version 3.10, which is supported until
> Aug. 2023. Ends on the 17th.
> Is it possible to update the site to Joomla 4.1.5 so that the Real
> Estate Manager works correctly.
> What is the established practice for Joomla migration?
Before making any upgrades, make backup yours site( files and DataBase). With that you will not lost something important
Please, update
Joomla real estate component and all modules to last version.
At first please check upgrade/update process at the test website!
Please install new component and modules without remove old.
When component is updated, the update may overwrites the Component configuration, please check component configuration.
If you have custom changes of component or site, you can lose your changes.
Please, in that case do not make update.
Together with component you need update modules.
Please careful, for some modules me changed XML file name, so new module will not update old.
You need Publish new module in same position as old and copy all settings from old module to new. (advance settings also)
After new module will look like old, you may uninstall old module
Check how all work
Update to new version of Joomla.
Check how all work
If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us too.
OrdaSoft team
P.S. Please do site backup 2 times per month if the more often - better!