In our
joomla real estate - this is not error - we special created that. In every Estate - details - we show all info.
For Estate - price - you may set at site do many currencies - as you wish. And in Property details - we show price in all these currencies !!!!
And best way if you wish show at site 1 currency - configure this in real estate component settings - as we described before ! Other you confuse users.
BUT if you need show in Estate detail show only 1 currency - which user select, you need:
1. with help FTP, go to
{your site}/components/com_realestatemanager/views/view_house/tmpl/
copy file default.php to defaultold.php
2. open file default.php - in some editor,
3. find code
Code: |
foreach ($currencys_price as $key => $row) {
if ($realestatemanager_configuration['price_unit_show'] == '1') {
if ($params->get('show_sale_separator')) {
echo "<div class="pricemoney"><span class="money">"
. formatMoney($row, $realestatemanager_configuration['sale_fraction'], $realestatemanager_configuration['price_format']) . "</span>";
echo "<span class="price"> " . $key . "</span></div>";
} else {
echo "<div class="pricemoney"><span class="money">" . $row . "</span>";
echo "<span class="price"> " . $key . "</span></div>";
} else {
if ($params->get('show_sale_separator')) {
echo "<div class="pricemoney"><span class="price">" . $key . "</span>";
echo " <span class="money">"
. formatMoney($row, $realestatemanager_configuration['sale_fraction'], $realestatemanager_configuration['price_format']) .
} else {
echo "<div class="pricemoney"><span class="price">" . $key . "</span>";
echo " <span class="money">" . $row . "</span></div>";
and replace to code:
Code: |
if ( trim($house->price) !== '' ){
echo "<div class='featured_list_price '>" ;
if ($realestatemanager_configuration['price_unit_show'] == '1') {
if ($realestatemanager_configuration['sale_separator']) {
echo formatMoney($house->price, $realestatemanager_configuration['sale_fraction'], $realestatemanager_configuration['price_format'])
. " " . $house->priceunit ;
} else {
echo $house->price . " " . $house->priceunit;
} else {
if ($realestatemanager_configuration['sale_separator']) {
echo $house->priceunit . " " .
formatMoney($house>price, $realestatemanager_configuration['sale_fraction'], $realestatemanager_configuration['price_format']);
} else {
echo $house->priceunit . " " . $house->price ;
echo $house->price;
echo "</div>" ;
But there only example - you will need careful add so changes - if you have error please return back 1 file
OrdaSoft team