I am using Real Estate Manager - Pro. The component s working properly but the free modules that I downloaded along with it do not seem to be displaying. They are:
Real Estate New module 2.0 - Error message not visible
Real Estate Top module 2.0 - Error message not visible
Real Estate Manager Scroller free 2.0 - Error message: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in htdocsxxxxxmodulesmod_realestatemanager_scroller_freemod_realestatemanager_scroller_free.php on line 148
Code: |
foreach ($rows_realestate as $row) {
//$rank_count = $rank_count + 1; //start ranking
$link1 =JURI::base().'/index.php?option=com_realestatemanager&task=view&id='.$row->id.'&catid='.$row->idcat.'&Itemid='.$ItemId_tmp;
//$link = JURI::base().'/index.php?option=com_vehiclemanager&task=view&id='.$item->id . '&catid='.$item->idcat.$item_id;
$title = $row->htitle;
$title = substr($title, 0, 30);
$imageURL = $row->image_link ;
if($imageURL != '' && substr($imageURL,0,4) != "http")
$imageURL = "./components/com_realestatemanager/photos/".$row->image_link;
if ( $show_extra == 1 )
{ $extras= "({$row->hits})"; }
else {$extras="";}
echo '<div>';
echo '<div class="boximg"><a href="'.sefRelToAbs($link1).'"><img valign="bottom" height="'.$cover_height.'" src="'.$imageURL.
'" border="0" /></a></div>';
echo '<div class="title"><a href="'.$link1. '"><strong>' . $title .'</strong></a><a> '.$extras.'</a></div>';
echo '</div>';
Also showing are showing the module title and powered by text. Please help.
Many thanks