Calendar & description in main tab 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
I would like to configurate my calendar and mark the days that are available and not available the Apartments.
From my houses I see to configurate new prices from weeks, weekends and midweek,but not only to mark the availability dates.
How should I configurate so in the advert show in green or red color for the availability ?
Also I would like to doesn't show the description in the main tab only in all information tab, how can I configurate this??
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Re:Calendar & description in main tab 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102
hello Christian,
In calendar days availability or not availability - appear after some bodyu send rent request for that property and you approve it. After that for that period property will not available
OrdaSoft team
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Re:Calendar & description in main tab 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 102
Hello Christian,
For doesn't show the description in the main tab only in all information tab in Real Estate manager - you need edit display house view.
For that you need find file:
{yours site}/components/com_realestatemanager/realestatemanager.html.php
There are you need find function:
and in it remove first description:
It will look some like that:
<td valign="top" class="first_td">
<strong><?php echo _REALESTATE_MANAGER_LABEL_COMMENT; ?>: </strong>
<td width="270px" align="justify">
Please backup your file first.
Ordasoft team
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Re:Calendar & description in main tab 11 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi and thanks for reply.
I don't get when you say first I have to remove: first_td" or description);
I found :
<td valign="top" class="first_td">
<strong><?php echo _REALESTATE_MANAGER_LABEL_COMMENT; ?>: </strong>
<td width="270px" align="justify">
But i'm not sure what do I have to remove there?
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