I have been trying to activate the plugging above with the 2 versions attached without success and I wish to know the reason.
First of 2. Joomla 2.5.x, PHP5, meta_ext_sh404sef_realestatemanager_2.2_2012_07_04 I understand by the installation info attached
* Now using FTP or similar, drop the file com_realestatemanager.php into that meta_ext directory
* or you may upload this file to /components/com_sh404sef/meta_ext folder
* Now you have very nice SEF Titles and meta keywords and meta descriptions for every property for Real Estate Manager in the frontend.
It is nothing to do with this plugging after the installation. You can not see any new plugging in Joomla panel. It is only to see new features in the SEF url (friends url's).
Second of 2. sh404sef_ext_realestatemanager_3.0_2013_05_21. I suppossed to be fully compatible with the component com_realestatemanager_2_3_free_2013_05_18
I follow the installation proceed and not result at all. In this case a little difference with the other as it is something to be activated in the plugging in Joomla panel after installation. But I really can not find anything related to sh404sef or similar plugging name in the panel. So, I can not use the sef plugging by the moment with the benefits that are assumed.
Proceeds in both cases seem to be easy, perhaps a compatibility versions error, permisssions on the files ...
Y really do not know and ask for some help.
Thanking in advance and best regards.
Ignacio Lopez