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SEO - PAGE TITLE etc (0 viewing) 

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goggz (Visitor)
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SEO - PAGE TITLE etc 11 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi there, congratulations for great component design, rent/sale flexibility.
I also really appreciate the effort put in support through the forum.

I just held back my PRO purchase after found out some issues I got in FREE version are not handled well in PRO version.

In free, there is always same PAGE TITLE, but I just found out on 3 demo sites it is the same. Instead of proper page title (which should be same or similar to pathway - category name and object (house) title, you get always REAL ESTATE MANAGER as a page title. In terms of SEO, it is a huge setback, as well as lack of translation for page title, object title and description.

Only 1 out of 3 demo sites is multilingual, but there is no translation for object title and description. Translation of field labels through lang file is just not enough for a proper multilingual support. If you buy PRO, there should be a Joomfish (and/or falang) content element included. Don't get me wrong, but it can not be PRO component without proper SEO and multilanguage support - otherwise it's just a nice showcase but it will not draw enough visitors.

So, please let me know if I got something wrong, or I missed something? As said, I really appreciate the effort built in component and support and I will go PRO once I am sure this 2 important issues are addressed in proper way.

Once again, thanks and thumbz up!
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goggz (Visitor)
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Re:SEO - PAGE TITLE etc 11 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
I will elaborate a little more for folks not familiar with basic SEO rules:

Google and other crawlers will set your position in search results for particular keywords considering many factors, but some are always the same: appearance of keywords in page title and page text. So if your keywords for particular object (REM house) is Apartamento en Barcelona, since this is the object title - page title Real Estate Manager is useless in terms of SEO - should be the same as object title Apartamento en Barcelona.

Once you browse page in english Apartamento is pointless because english spoken user will for example write Apartment in his search field. Including a category name such Apartments for sale (rent) in page title would help for sure because people will often compose search term in such a way (example: apartments for sale in Barcelona).

Same rules apply for page text (here: description field). To simplify: more times your keywords appear in page title, within

tags and page text, the better chances you have for higher page rank for particular keywords.

Knowing that, I would also suggest to surround the object title with h1 tags instead of div class (

<div class="componentheading">[es]Apartamento en Barcelona</div>
) because h tags tells the crawler the importance of corresponding text.

I hope people already familiar with matter will not object my little lecture, but I believe the importance of this issue should be stressed out. As said in previous post, I might overseen something, so please someone explain is this addressed in PRO version and how, because I could not see it on demo pages.

Thanks again
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admin (Admin)
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Re:SEO - PAGE TITLE etc 11 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  

I am sorry, not know what version you use but in lsat versiopn real estate manager that all exist.

Also in last Real estate manager we full support multi language. so if you create 2 properties one for example for English, other for Spanish, When you will do switch between language all info will change.
Because page title we take from property title - so that also will change.

You may also use ours SEO and Meta plugins for sh404 sef component, they give to you more possibility for SEO

OrdaSoft team
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goggz (Visitor)
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Re:SEO - PAGE TITLE etc 11 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi, thanks for fast replay and for good news.

As said, I was judging by what I've seen on DEMO pages
http://ordasoft.com/realestatemanager11 and
- all of them have same page title for all objects all the times.
I assumed DEMO was using the latest version.

Anyhow, I am glad that newest version is addressing those important issues.

As for multilanguage support, what I understood from your reply is that new Joomla multilingual system shall be used - creating new object in new language and assigning it to appropriate category with assigned language.
I assume there is a possibility to assign a language for each category and each object?

My question: Is it possible to copy existing object (same as you can do with Joomla content?) so you can change only title and description, assign another language and you're done?
Without SAVE AS COPY function, one will have to fill all the fields all over again

Thanks again for your reply and support.
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Last Edit: 2013/08/07 11:48 By .
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admin (Admin)
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Re:SEO - PAGE TITLE etc 11 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 102  

For Real estate manager demo we show only some sites, last version you may check if will check Real estate manager free version, it look little other.

How that all will look will depend from you, in demo we show only some examples how that may look

You may assign some category or some property to some language, but:
Please try free version Real estate manager, you will see how all look and work !!

Ordasoft team
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