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Joomla Translate component support

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How run translations

joomleb (User)
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Re:How run translations 5 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,

I asked: "Is the new translation performed on "save changes" or through a cron task ?"

And you answered: "New translation perfom, after url is open by user (you may open it by cron)
"save changes" - you may only after edit"

I'm not sure I understood, Please, Can you explain me better?

I'm looking for:
as Super Administrator I edit an old site page / article.
When I finish it I want to perform a "SEF Automatic translation" to update the cached translations of that single article.

Please, How to do it ?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:How run translations 5 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 102  

If you edit translated page, and press "save" - we will updated this page. Next every user will see this edited from you page.

But if your site have some cache plugins or your hosting have some cache, - you will need clear this cache

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:How run translations 5 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Andrew,

Okay, "If you edit translated page, and press save" in Components > SEF Translate > Translation Pages / URLs...

But, What's happen when I edit (backend or fronend) a Joomla Article, Seblod Article and/or any Component "Article" like Solidres ?
Is there a way to update translations cache on their saving (clear single "article" cache) without to have to wait the SEF Translate Cache refresh and or without having to clear the entire SEF Translate Cache wasting a lot of translation bandwidth ?

PS I'm running just the Joomla Cache feature, no more...
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admin (Admin)
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Re:How run translations 5 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 102  

In sef translate component( ordasoft.com/sef-translate-joomla-translation-component ) when you do web site page translate and which edit translated page
- edit you do in SefTranslate component.
- edit you may only page which you translated with help API, and with help Redirect menthod
- you can't edit pages which you translated with help aJaxe(jQuery) or instance translate methods

Ordasoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:How run translations 5 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Andrew,
I understood it. I try to explain you better, the question is:

- I write a Joomla article > SEF Translate translate it automatically following its settings (for example Redirect menthod + API key)

- I edit the original Joomla article (in the backend or fronend, a Joomla Article, Seblod Article and/or any Component "Article" like Solidres), I'm not speaking about the SEF Translate translation, but about the original article = SEF Translate translation will change on Joomla cache refreshing

- Is there a way to update the single article translations cache on their editing saving (something like clearing single "article" cache) without to have to wait the Joomla and SEF Translate Cache refreshing and or without having to clear the entire SEF Translate Cache wasting a lot of translation bandwidth ?
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Last Edit: 2019/03/18 18:48 By joomleb.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:How run translations 5 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 102  

In Sef Translate, program for Joomla site translation ( ordasoft.com/sef-translate-joomla-translation-component )
If you updated some original article, and you need update page from sefTranslate.
You go to SefTranlate - pages manager - and remove this page.

So when next user will open this page - it will again recreated with new content.

Or you may set cache == 2-4 days, so every your pages will recreated every 2-4 days

OrdaSoft team
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