All our versions have 3 numbers, as example 4.8.7
how we change version number
1 - digital, we change in add very much changes, or some new features
2 - digital, some not big changes
3 - digital bug fix.
from 4.6 to 4.8 we not add any big changes.
There were changes with:
- errors fix
- Bing Translate APi changes
- Map create algorithm changes
because SefTranslate very many depend from Hosting, and another site components.
And for 90% site - it ask manual configure.
We not advice do update automatically.
What has been fixed from from this 4.6 list ?
I am sorry, We not added changes from your wishlist.
Something from this list add simply, something difficult, something will very complicate for next use for customers.
I am sorry, as I said: we continue configure SefTranslate for 80% of our customers
So we can't do it more complicate.
Ordasoft team