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BUG Dropdown list with flag not open (0 viewing) 

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BUG Dropdown list with flag not open

admin (Admin)
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Re:BUG Dropdown list with flag not open 2 Years ago
Karma: 102  
Only as wish list to next version. This will ask rebuild bootstrap library - and this not light way.
But idea very excellent

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:BUG Dropdown list with flag not open 2 Years ago
Karma: 0  
Hi Admin,
many thanks!

About the "Bug" reported with this topic: "Dropdown list with flag not open" and the "Bootstrap 5 conflicts" "Bugs" I reported to you by email (introduced with the 6.1.2 version, not present on 6.1.1 release)

Be careful!
Both are happening only with the "Module > List/Plain text/Text with flag: Dropdown list with flag" option.
While with the "Module > List/Plain text/Text with flag: Dropdown list" option all working perfectly, as expected !

Please, Do you have a workaround for this ? Also a manually hack that we can apply... (we tried something, but without success).

Please, Can you make the option "Dropdown list with flag" to work like the "Dropdown list" one ?

PS - Considering that on all our sites we are working with Joomla 4.2.6, based and running on standard Bootstrap 5, and the "famous" Helix Ultimate framework 2.0.11, again based and running on the same Bootstrap 5 standard, we hope to see in the near future more integration which simply means letting Bootstrap 5 do as much as possible defined by Joomla and Template, without modifying/overriding anything...
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Last Edit: 2023/01/10 00:34 By joomleb.
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admin (Admin)
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Re:BUG Dropdown list with flag not open 2 Years ago
Karma: 102  
You not see errors in OrdaSoft Joomla translate in Select list - because of it - Standard HTML element
So all popular developers fixed it very long time ago and know how work with standard HTML elements

You had errors with Select list with flag( we fixed them for you ) - because this not standard HTML element - so only this element developers responsible for this element. and if this element created not good - you will have errors. So better use only standard HTML elements - if you wish your site work excellent in all cases.

as example in Joomla 3 in admin modules - for multi select list joomla used "select 2" library - In Joomla 4 - Joomla returned to standard HTML select list

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:BUG Dropdown list with flag not open 2 Years ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,
(I'm not sure I understood your answer correctly).
With: "...( we fixed them for you )..." = Please, What do you mean ?

I bought SEF Translate Commerce in past and it was working well.
I bought last Joomla Translator Commerce because Joomla 4 ready and because the new Module Select list with flag view.

So, we are working with standard Joomla 4.x and we need to show flags into the list.
We have no other choices.
I suppose this is a common situation for your customers now (to work with standard Joomla 4).

The "Bootstrap 5 conflicts" "Bugs" I reported to you by email are only few examples of the introduced "conflicts" / "overwrites".
As far as I understand they are not "errors". Joomla Translate is "overwriting" the Template and standard Bootstrap 5 definitions with the result to "modify / destroy" the Template Layout.

We are asking you:
Please, Do you have a workaround for this ? Also a manually hack that we can apply...
We tried something changing directly the .../modules/mod_seftranslate/css/os-btstrap.min.css file, but without success.
Please, Can you point us on the right way to solve it ? Can we solve it using CSS ? What files should we look at ?
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admin (Admin)
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Re:BUG Dropdown list with flag not open 2 Years ago
Karma: 102  
( we fixed them for you )
as me seem: we fixed all error in OrdaSoft Joomla Translate with "select list with flags" layout

The "Bootstrap 5 conflicts" "Bugs" I reported to you by email are only few examples of the introduced "conflicts" / "overwrites".
Yes, I agree with you, this will always when you add new extensions to your site. Yes this bad, because of that exist support - for help to clients resolve errors

We tried something changing directly the .../modules/mod_seftranslate/css/os-btstrap.min.css file, but without success.
Kill this file - mean kill "select list with flag" which created with help Boot trap. And most bad - the bootstratp connected to all elements at site - we can't limit it to some one element.
But we may help correct CSS for so html ellements

OrdaSoft team
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joomleb (User)
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Re:BUG Dropdown list with flag not open 2 Years ago
Karma: 0  
Hi admin,
many thanks for your reply.

admin wrote:
...But we may help correct CSS for so html ellements...
- Thank you for your availability, I know how precious your time is.
- Many Thanks to your fixings here: ordasoft.com/Forum/Joomla-Translate-modu...flag-BUGs.html#47250
- I'm thinking to work with "JT Module > List/Plain text/Text with flag: Text list with flag" setting.
- So, I would prefer to get help in "point 2 coding" sent by my last email (which can be useful for all your customers)
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Last Edit: 2023/01/13 15:39 By joomleb.
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