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Google Analytics tracking

joomleb (User)
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Google Analytics tracking 5 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0  
Hi guys,
Please, How to track Joomla + SEF Translate languages into Google Analytics ?
I found these two interesting discussions:

What is the best way considering that:

A - we could begin with "Method Instant" = that mean we cannot use URLs subfolders like /en /de /it etc. Please, Am I right ?
and than switch to "Method Redirect" = that mean work with subfolders (or subdomains)
It seem that to track languages now can be appended a Google code to create Event Labels: tosbourn.com/google-translate-tracking-in-analytics/

B - we could begin with a "Joomla default language + SEF Translate automatic languages translations" and then switch to "Joomla default language + Joomla manually languages + SEF Translate automatic languages translations"
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admin (Admin)
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Re:Google Analytics tracking 5 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 102  

As me seem with instance method - you can't do this. As me seem you can't track JavaScript changed pages. Or need create some algorithm for map JavaScript created page to URL

But for redirect method translate of sites sefTranslate ( ordasoft.com/sef-translate-joomla-translation-component ) permit to you create your site - urls site map(for all languages which you translated). So all what you need: to add this "site map" to google analytics

OrdaSoft team
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