hello we have many trouble on our website, we make a video to show you the trouble:
content of the video below:
9-sef-translate-errors-from-ordateam-developers text
What is in bold are bugs!
I want to show you that the component and module SEF Translate is configured following instructions and still not working.
I will go first to see the instructions.
Go to setting SEF Translate module.
Set method translate for you site, when user click to flag or check language on select on you site.
Select language flags which to need for view on frontend.
Please set option "Use SEF" appears in documentation but where is it?!?!
Please check option "Hide module sef" appears in documentation but where is it?
Go to setting SEF Translate component tab General.
I created a BING client id and they give me a secret key. So, are correct for sure. Also, I did tryied with Google and nothing works.
The Debug option is set to “Yes”, the translation doeas not work and the debug don’t return any message. Is used for something?!?!
I disabled the cache.
I wanted to clear the cache but ups! The error came! Another extension bug!
I disabled the maps.
The” htaccess” file contain the lines required in documentation.
Prove that is not working with Joomla SEF activated.
I will deactivate Joomla SEF to see what is happening.
No, the same. Is not working!