I am obviously being confronted with the same problem.
When trying to start the 'media'-area of this component in the admin-frontend of joomla! this error message appears.
I tried to execute the whole query directly in mysql. When removing the sub-query, the statement worked fine - also the sub-query alone worked well.
Could you please post the solution of the problem that Fazel was experiencing?
The complete error message is:
DB function failed with error number 1267
Unerlaubte Mischung von Sortierreihenfolgen (utf8_general_ci, COERCIBLE) und (latin1_swedish_ci, IMPLICIT) f�r Operation '=' SQL=SELECT library.id, library.media_type, library.media_id,cc.title AS category, library.published, library.hits, library.checked_out, library.catid, library.informationFrom, l.id as lendid, l.lend_from as lend_from, l.lend_return as lend_return, l.lend_until as lend_until , u.name AS editor, other_table.id as media_type_id, other_table.title as title FROM jos_medialibrary AS library left join jos_categories AS cc on cc.id = library.catid left join jos_medialibrary_lend AS l on library.fk_lendid = l.id left join jos_users AS u on u.id = library.checked_out, (SELECT id, title, 'game' as type, comment, studio as ext1, binding as ext2, platform as ext3 FROM jos_medialibrary_game UNION all SELECT id, title, 'music' as type, comment,artist as ext1, label as ext2, tracklist as ext3 FROM jos_medialibrary_music UNION all SELECT id, title, 'book' as type,comment,authors as ext1, manufacturer as ext2, edition as ext3 FROM jos_medialibrary_book UNION all SELECT id, title, 'video' as type, comment,actors as ext1, producers as ext2, format as ext3 FROM jos_medialibrary_video) AS other_table where other_table.id = library.media_id and other_table.type = library.media_type ORDER BY library.catid, library.ordering LIMIT 0,20;
Thanks in advance,